
In times when at least two vaccinations are an absolute necessity, this phobia is extremely relevant. Trypanophobia, or the fear of needles, is often undermined and overlooked as ‘not serious’, but no phobia should be ignored in such a way. Although most common in children, it can continue into adulthood and may become more intense.


  • Extreme anxiety over upcoming vaccinations.
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia at the prospect of needles.
  • Panic attacks
  • Elevated heart rate.


Trypanophobia often interferes with medical treatment, and if serious enough, can meddle in a person’s immunization process. So, getting treatment for such a disorder is very important.

  • In Cognitive Behavourial Therapy, a patient can consult their phobia of needles and discuss the root with their therapist, who then encourages a more rational mind-set in the patient.
  • Exposure therapy, used mostly to treat anxiety disorders. The patient is exposed to their stressor (in this case, needles) little by little to desensitize them to it. The patient may be asked to imagine being injected with a needle, or they may be exposed to a needle with no injection involved.
  • In extreme cases where a person is unreceptive to psychotherapy, medication may be prescribed to reduce anxiety and panic.

When to consult a therapist?

If this fear genuinely hinders proper medical procedures and help, and the symptoms continue for over six months, then a therapist should certainly be consulted.


“Everyone has trypanophobia”

While most people may have a certain apprehension towards needles, it is probably not debilitating to the point that it’s near-crippling.